Call Helen: 07790 800 138


Forest Kindergarten

Would you like your child to benefit from unique experiences, challenges and adventures in their Early Years? At Little Robins Kindergarten, we provide a kind and nurturing early learning environment which will develop your child’s curiosity, independence, and confidence. This child-led setting is tailored for parents who support the idea that children are entitled to be free to explore, experiment and discover in the outdoors – YES, in the dirt, rain, snow, and mud! We have created a safe, fun and nurturing learning environment in our setting that connects children to nature, each other, and themselves.

Our outdoor classroom is based in two acres of grounds near Llanwarne, South Herefordshire, where children thrive learning and playing outdoors throughout the seasons. We take children from birth onwards.

Open Monday – Friday 7:00am – 6:00pm all year round.


There are limited Local Authority funded spaces available. 

Collection at 1:30pm from Steiner Academy Hereford is available from September 2024. 

Please get in touch for more information.

Universal CreditUniversal Credit. You may be able to claim back up to 85% of your childcare costs if you are in receipt of Universal Credit. Please visit for further details.

You are able to pay through the Tax Free Childcare Scheme, an online government service to help working parents with the cost of their childcare. Please visit for further details

Notice period – we require one term’s notice in writing if your child will be reducing their hours or leaving the setting.

Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Bring your favourite teddy and come and join us for campfire cooking, arts, crafts and free play for children aged 0-5 years and their parents/carers. An adult must accompany children and must supervise and be responsible for them at all times during the sessions.

On selected Fridays throughout the year.

9:30am – 11:30am

£10 per family.